About Gnoppix

Gnoppix Search is a new Gnoppix Service based on the metasearch engine, aggregating the results of other search engines while not storing or track information about its users. Gnoppix maintains a neutral stance and does not modify search results based on political ideologies. The focus is on providing pure search functionality and delivering the most relevant results to users.

The Gnoppix project is driven by our community, come join us on Discord if you have questions, just want to chat or share you ideas.

Make Gnoppix better.

Why use it?

Your Online privacy matter

The definition of online privacy is the level of privacy protection an individual has while connected to the Internet. It covers the amount of online security available for personal and financial data, communications, and preferences. Internet users often attempt to increase online privacy through anti-virus software, strong password choices, turning off tracking, reviewing site security, and opting for stricter privacy settings. Risks to online privacy range from phishing scams to malware, while problems with website security may result in identity theft.

Privacy is indeed a top priority for us at Gnoppix. We understand that users value their personal data and we are committed to maintaining the highest standards of privacy protection. Our service does not store or track any user information, ensuring that your search activities remain confidential and secure.

If you do care about privacy, want to be a conscious user, or otherwise believe in digital freedom, make Gnoppix your default search engine or run it on your own server!

How do I set it as the default search engine?

Gnoppix supports OpenSearch. For more information on changing your default search engine, see your browser’s documentation:

When adding a search engine, there must be no duplicates with the same name. If you encounter a problem where you cannot add the search engine, you can either:

How does it work?

Gnoppix is a fork from the well-known searx metasearch engine which was inspired by the Seeks project. It provides basic privacy by mixing your queries with searches on other platforms without storing search data. Gnoppix can be added to your browser’s search bar; moreover, it can be set as the default search engine.

The stats page contains some useful anonymous usage statistics about the engines used.

Gnoppix Search API

We’re glad to hear that you’re interested in integrating our privacy-focused search functionality into your application through our API. For more information on how to use our API or any other inquiries, please don’t hesitate to join our official Gnoppix Discord community where knowledgeable users and moderators are ready to assist you with your questions and concerns.

How can I make it my own?

Gnoppix appreciates your concern regarding logs, so take the code from the Gnoppix sources and run it yourself!

Add your instance to this list of public instances to help other people reclaim their privacy and make the internet freer. The more decentralized the internet is, the more freedom we have!